Saturday, October 24, 2009


You were the only one;
I shared my smile with,
And I believe so strongly;
This all was not a myth,

Warm closed lips on yours and;
My closed eyes under the tree,
Countless memories you gave;
Would never let me become free,

Tears those rolled down under;
Your cheeks and were lifted,
On my palm before touching earth;
Were the best thing ever gifted,

Tight hugs, cuddles and caresses,
And the pleasure I found in your arms;
I never want to be alone,
Where I will search those charms;

And when today I am trying to go far,
Why my eyes are filled with tears;
Why sobs, memories, loneliness,
Why a lot of unknown fears?

24th-oct, 2009


  1. ashish.. u have touched my heart once again!!
    love.. Nikita :)

  2. Thank You, Nik! Just two words,"Miss you."


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